Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Survivor of the week - CATHERINE OF ARAGON

Dear Catherine of Aragon,

When life doesn't go the way I planned, or things seem miserably unfair, I often think of you and marvel at your courage and strength.  In fact, I have often wondered why the Catholic Church hasn't sainted you, because clearly if anyone is deserving of such a title it has to be you.

Born into the most powerful European Monarchy at the time, extremely well educated, fluent in many languages and armed with a number of perfected domestic skills - you were the medieval equivalent of home coming queen.

But, poor Catherine.  Betrothed to an English prince.  Married and widowed within 4 months.  A pawn between 2 bickering Kings. Spending many years in limbo neither here nor there, and loosing your mother in between...thus loosing your value as a good export.  Finally your prince in shining armour swept you up and finally you were married (again).

Oh dear Catherine, things were looking up for you but not for long.  If only you had produced a healthy male heir rather than giving birth to a living baby girl.  

Your courage and strength is beyond measure. I know for sure I would have fallen like a pack of cards at the roar of a King's demand for divorce.  Yet, your conscience...your beliefs kept you strong.  I pray that when it comes to the crunch I will have as much faithfulness and determination as you.

You are a survivor beyond doubt.  You married the King and you died as his legal wife despite every pressure put on you to renounce this claim.  You may have lost everything; your earthly comforts, your friends, your ladies, your wealth, your health, but you kept your dignity and when all is said and done...you won. 

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